Weight loss that WILL and WON’T work…


There’s ONE KEY element to know if your weight loss plan will work, even BEFORE you get started.

There are literally HUNDREDS of options when you’re choosing a plan or path to follow for successful weight loss. Some are more viable and successful than others, but regardless, there are many options that can get you to the same goal.

And most likely, you’ve already tried a few, heck, maybe even dozens with mild or temporary success. But I wanted to encourage you today with a different perspective. One that has nothing to do with rules or restrictions or guidelines.

Often times when someone decides to embark upon a specific set of rules or eating guidelines, they are making A LOT of changes at once. To the point where their long-term success rate is low because it’s so hard to maintain all of these changes over any significant length of time.

They bring chaos, confusion, and ultimately STRESS when someone is trying to bring so many radical changes to their daily life out of the blue. When weight loss is laden with STRESS, Honey, it’s not gonna work!

So the KEY ELEMENT when you’re looking to make changes and follow one plan over the another is look at it through new eyes. Through the lenses of sustainability and stress.

Evaluate how radical the changes are going to be from your current status quo. How much stress are they going to bring to your current lifestyle? Think of making smaller changes over time. Then once those are easy you can add a few more in until you’ve cultivated new patterns and habits of health into your routine. I highly advise against attempting change everything at once which will NOT give you the long-term results you desire.

This approach leads to quitting, then to feeling like a failure (once again!) then to self-loathing and ultimately to overeating and reversing your progress. See the cycle?

I hope this new approach or new way of screening any “diets” or plans you’re wanting to follow helps to set you up for success in a different way than you’ve tried before. Remember, long-term weight loss and health changes are like a marathon, not a sprint. You need to have that long-term mindset and a firm grasp of reality to keep you going. Sending you love!

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. If you’re frustrated and scared of continuing the cycle of dieting “ups and downs” and feel there’s a missing piece you haven’t found, then having a coach could be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.

Regardless of what path you choose to lose weight, I can help you go deeper into what has REALLY been stopping or thwarting your best efforts for change. The those things are hard to discover and move past without a firm and supporting guide.

Schedule a complimentary Strategy Session with me today. Let’s take you to that next level of success.

How to NOT become a New Year’s Resolution “statistic”

Statistically speaking, today’s the day 40% of people give up their New Year’s Resolutions!

Have you already fallen prey to the 92% who ultimately give up their resolutions? Or are you still hanging on? And if you’re still hanging on, how strong is your resolve, your commitment from a scale of 1-10?

Why do the vast majority of resolutions fail? How could our once strong and purposeful desire for change be so easily abandoned?

There are many reasons, but ultimately, we try to change too quickly and with too high of expectations for ourselves that we lose hope, get frustrated and can’t maintain the changes we’ve tried to put in place.

But let me encourage you today. Regardless if you’ve already moved on from your resolutions, or you’re still diligently working, we all could use some help and support along the way. I encourage you to find an accountability partner. A supportive group or a companion that shares the same goals so you have an added layer of support and accountability.

And if you’re goals are health or weight-loss related, I want to make sure you know about the intimate women-only community I’ve created to serve for just that purpose.

Women who are all on their individual path of creating change, but having group support, ongoing training from myself, and a plethora of weight loss and health education and worksheets to track results, flesh out plans and ensure your success even further.

This group is designed not to dictate HOW you will get there (but of course there are resources to help guide you), but to boost your efforts and be a sounding board for encouragement, support and accountability.

This is my VIP group.

Ladies going above and beyond who are committed to themselves and their goals, and to be a safe place to be real, honest and know you’re not in this alone.
Learn more about becoming a VIP here.
Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

God is working all around us…do you see Him? 3 questions to ask if it doesn’t seem like He’s there

Blog%2FInstagram Post

Have you ever heard that Albert Einstein quote, “Coincidences are God’s way of remaining anonymous.”

I personally don’t believe in coincidences; I truly feel that when they happen we are witnessing God’s hand at work and personal intervening in our lives.

And for me lately, they’ve been happening faster and faster and more frequently.
And it’s been pretty awesome!

I speak about this today and not specifically a “health” or “fitness” topic, because I wanted to share with you my experience and ask you if you’re opening your eyes to see God’s working all around and intimately in your daily life as well. And if you’re not, ask Him to open your eyes to see it. Because I promise you, it’s not because He’s absent!

I recently had an epiphany and some realizations about how I was viewing God in context to my childhood and cultural/societal experiences, and how they were actually false beliefs and not the true representation of God’s character that we learn about in the Bible.

They were pretty heavy, and freeing, realizations! But I wouldn’t have seen them had I not been willing to look inward.

Sometimes we need to take a step back and examine our upbringings and experiences in our past that may be erroneously shaping our view of God. And if you’re not careful, you could go your whole life without truly feeling and experiencing God and His work in your life, to the fullest that He desires you to.

And THAT would be a true tragedy.

>>Final Thought: My challenge to you today is to journal and be brave enough to ask yourself:

  • Am I open to seeing and recognizing God’s personal presence in my daily life?
  • Am I seeing ‘coincidences’ as God’s divine interaction in my life, or as completely unrelated?
  • Am I willing to open my mind and my eyes to look anew at my daily circumstances, to acknowledge the hand of God moving in and through me and my life?

These are some pretty heavy questions to unpack, but their value and freedom they can bring to you is priceless. I hope you’ll take the time to let them change you, from the inside.#youreworthit
Sending you ALL my love,

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. Can you see the power in these journaling questions? Are you feeling like you’re NOT seeing God moving in your life on a personal level? That you’re stuck in a rut in your physical or spiritual health and you don’t know how to climb out?

I’m opening 3 spots ONLY until the end of August for my 8 week, private 1:1 transformational personal coaching program. If you’re tired of feeling dissatisfied in your body or your faith-walk, knowing there’s more life has to offer, but not knowing how to get there–then this is for you.

Simply reply to this email (it goes directly to me, it doesn’t pass through my assistant or anyone else) or you can send me a private message on Facebook. We’ll put an immediate action plan in place for you, AND see if my 1:1 mentoring program would be a good fit. It’s time for you to breakthrough to your ultimate goals and embrace the wonders and beauty of life!

Life is TOO SHORT to not be living it to the fullest. And I can help you get unstuck–to feel amazing in your body, charging full-steam-ahead toward your goals, and deepening your relationship with Christ.

Comment below or PM me on Facebook and we’ll set up a time to chat. Only 3 spots open for the remainder of August. Let’s talk today.


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