Love this simple truth when we’re struggling with our self image and such a good reminder of how God sees us, when we’re caught in feeling inadequate or underwhelming in society’s eyes. We are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Listen in on “You are Beautiful” radio blog.
These eggs take five minutes or LESS, and are a 100% guilt free breakfast packed with flavor and filling!Here’s how to do it in 5 minutes, with only 5 ingredients: Ingredients: 1 full egg, egg whites, spinach, tomato, and garlic.
So what’s the easiest way to serve it? Literally just like you would pasta.Make it the noodle and put pasta sauce right on top! Or we’ve even made layered lasagnas instead of pasta sheets just put layers of the shredded SS. It does have more moisture than pasta, so keep that in mind if you’re going to layer it, but everything else is the same. The best way to cook it: Baked whole. I’ve tried so many different ways, and let me tell you the easiest. Oven at 400F degrees, and make 25-30 min, spin to the other side for 25-30 min. more. You might start to get brown marks from the oven rack and it may even begin to split open. That’s a good thing. It makes it so much easier to cut. The reason I do it this way is because I’ve tried cutting it in half before cooking, but it’s so tough I’ve almost split my hand open because you’re trying to pin down a round object! Not wise.
Now that you have learned a super easy way to enjoy this incredible squash, have at it!And share with me below as well. I’m always looking for even more ways to enjoy it! 🙂