Stronger Women Are Leaders–[New Published Article]

In my quest to connect with like-minded businesses, entrepreneurs, thought leaders and publications that are like me–merging their Christianity with their brand–I was thrilled when I learned that an article I submitted for Faith and Fitness Magazine was recently published!

If you’ve not heard of them before, they’re worth checking out! A magazine dedicated to building both physical and spiritual strengthexactly my same mission.

In this article I outline what it looks like to have the Godly qualities of a female leader. And how you already are–or can easily begin–to incorporate these into all aspects of your life, especially into your physical fitness.

So without further adieu, I give you my first published article in Faith and Fitness Magazine!

Click the image to read the article. 😉

Stronger Women Are Leaders Article
Click image to read Stronger Women Are Leaders article

**Comment on the article page itself, not on this post.**

I’d love to hear how you, or someone you know, exemplifies the traits of a strong woman leader in her everyday life. Cheers to you!

The fallacy about Fear…have you been tricked too?

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The heart-breaking truth is that every day tragedies happen.
Around the globe, in our neighborhoods, and even directly to us. And what are most people’s gut-check responses?

Fear. Hate. Revenge. Discord. Violence. Distrust.

Do any of these responses ultimately solve the problem? Do any of them change the world or the situation for the better?

I love this quote from Maya Angelou:

                                        “Hate. It has caused a lot of problems in this world,
                                                         but it has not solved one yet.”

I wanted to encourage you today, that despite the evil that still lurks in this world, and despite the horror of real tragedies that occur, we cannot let fear rule the day.

We cannot let fear win the battle in our hearts.

We cannot let fear dictate or hinder who we are and the light we have that God has given us as Christians to shine in the darkness.

Jesus prepares us in John 16:33:

“…Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

>>Final thoughts: How strong are your faith muscles to let go of the initial fears that may grip you when life is unfair? How much do you truly trust that God’s words are true and that He will ultimately hand down the final judgments to those who inflict injustice? Take heart today, sister.

God is on the throne and Jesus has already overcome the world.

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody
P.S. I had the honor and privilege to be interviewed on Empowering Ourselves Together Talk Radio show yesterday and if you’d like to know more about my mission and how I serve you at Fit+Faith plus get easy and actionable tips to improve your health, fitness and grown your faith, listen to the interview here and share with a friend. 🙂
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