You heard me right! Sweet Potato Eggs

OK, don’t knock it til you try it. I know it’s not a typical combo to put in your eggs…but it’s amazing!!! This fabulous concoction was born out of wanting more variety to my daily egg breakfast. My typical go-to of tomatoes, garlic and greens (spinach, chard, kale etc.) was needing a little switch-up. I happened to have some shredded, unpeeled, raw sweet potato from a previous night’s dinner.
“Welp! Let’s see what happens,” I thought, and in they went!
To my pleasant surprise, they were awesome! The natural sweetness comes out once they’re cooked, and because of the small shred, they cooked up in a flash with the tomatoes. So now they’re a regular weekly add-in to my morning egg routine. πŸ™‚ But wait! There’s more! Let’s see for a quick sec 8 HEALTH BENEFITS of sweet potatoes, courtesy of
  • Great source of beta-carotene –> powerful antioxidant in orange vegetables to reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer, offer protection against asthma and heart disease and delay aging and body degeneration.
  • Diabetes – low glycemic index
  • Blood Pressure – high in potassium. Potassium is associated with 20% decreased risk of dying from all causes!
  • Prostate and Colon Cancer – beta-carotene can reduce cancer risk
  • Fertility – vitamin A for pregnancy and lactation
  • Immunity – vitamin C and beta-carotene boost immunity
  • Inflammation – choline helps with sleep, muscle movement, learning and memory
  • Vision – vitamins A, C, and E promote vision and prevent degeneration
But, still skeptical they’re awesome in eggs? Give it a try and let me know your thoughts.
What are some other unlikely pairings you’ve tried with food that turned out better than expected?  

Healthy Egg Scramble in 5 Minutes Flat!

Going strong on a new morning routine to have a healthy and hearty high-protein breakfast to get my metabolism revving and to start the day right. Today is day 30, and I’m loving it. It’s no longer a challenge, it’s a pleasure because my “go-to” of an egg scramble can be literally done differently every day with just a few ingredient swaps. I’ll do a post on how to make A TON of variety with just a few ingredients.
These eggs take five minutes or LESS, and are a 100% guilt free breakfast packed with flavor and filling!
Here’s how to do it in 5 minutes, with only 5 ingredients: Ingredients: 1 full egg, egg whites, spinach, tomato, and garlic.
  1. Add olive or grapeseed oil to the saute pan, and throw in the diced tomato and season with salt and pepper. Saute for 1 minute to soften tomato.
  2. Add minced garlic (I like pre-minced in a jar to make it go super fast!) and one LARGE handful of spinach leaves. Wilt and mix for 1 minute.
  3. Add 1 egg plus extra egg whites to your desired amount (I used boxed whites so I don’t throw away extra yolks). Season with a little more salt and pepper.
  4. Scramble in the pan until the eggs are the consistency you like them.
Done! (I topped mine with fresh torn basil leaves) egg breakfast Is that not the easiest thing ever?!? Start your day right with fueling your body with good quality protein, and skip that old drive thru! It’s just as fast and a million times more tasty and healthy. You got this! What’s your favorite breakfast “go-to”? Share below!    

Easy Spaghetti Squash

Let’s begin the ode to spaghetti squash (SS). IF you’ve never had it, I don’t even know where to begin with you. Once you have it, you’ll wonder why you took so-ever-loving-long to try it, AND you’ll never look at pasta the same again. SS is so versatile you can do just about a million things with it, which is probably why I love it so much. It never gets boring!! And a full cup of it is only 60 calories! Tonight’s version was suuuuper simple (and yes I served it in a paper bowl.) Lol When my husband is not home and I’m only cooking for one, why make more dishes? Heck. Who am I kidding? Even when he IS home, our go-to is paper plates and bowls and plastic silverware! We LOVE to cook BOMB FOOD, but don’t like dishes afterwards. πŸ™‚
So what’s the easiest way to serve it? Literally just like you would pasta.
Make it the noodle and put pasta sauce right on top! Or we’ve even made layered lasagnas instead of pasta sheets just put layers of the shredded SS. It does have more moisture than pasta, so keep that in mind if you’re going to layer it, but everything else is the same. The best way to cook it: Baked whole. I’ve tried so many different ways, and let me tell you the easiest. Oven at 400F degrees, and make 25-30 min, spin to the other side for 25-30 min. more. You might start to get brown marks from the oven rack and it may even begin to split open. That’s a good thing. It makes it so much easier to cut. The reason I do it this way is because I’ve tried cutting it in half before cooking, but it’s so tough I’ve almost split my hand open because you’re trying to pin down a round object! Not wise.
Baked then sliced in half.
Baked then sliced in half.
Scoop out the pumpkin-like seeds, then shred with a fork. 20150820_180209 Now do whatever the heck you want to make it delish! What I’ve done here is 1) saute diced tomato with coconut oil and minced garlic. Then after a few minutes, 2) add the shredded SS just to warm through. Add some classic italian seasonings to taste, and voila! 20150820_181445 Now I must admit, we happen to have a small bottle of basil infused olive oil for drizzling that we bought on our trip to Rome last October, so it’s a special extra touch that I just couldn’t miss. πŸ˜‰ Olio de Basilico de Positano – aka YUM!
Now that you have learned a super easy way to enjoy this incredible squash, have at it!
And share with me below as well. I’m always looking for even more ways to enjoy it! πŸ™‚  
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