In the busyness of life it can be easy to lose our joy.
The special spark that lights us up from the inside. That makes the hard times easier to handle and the good times that much better.
But often it can dim and fade away with the obligations and pressures of life and one day we look up and realize, “Where has it gone?” “Why am I so sad and unfulfilled?”
I’ve been there and found myself in this exact place only a few weeks ago. And as I look back I realize I had been slowly losing and seeping my joy away, oh so slightly, over the past 4-5 years. But you don’t notice it at first, until you reach a point one day and you ask, “Where did the fun go? Am I depressed? Why do I not enjoy anything I’m doing anymore? What happened? How can I get my joy back??”
But the good news it, you can get it back very quickly! In an instant even!
And this is where journaling comes in. And where ‘Journaling into Joy’ was born.
As I’ve been going through my own transformation over the past 10+ years (personal transformation never ends, by the way) I’ve learned to harness journaling to take myself to the next level in every area of life. From getting my doctorate degree to starting multiple businesses, being a physical therapist and becoming a health coach, and most recently bridging all of my passions into personal development coaching and turning my attention to the Christian women market to empower women to step further into who God created them to be.
I have used journaling in some capacity throughout every phase. And in fact, increasingly so in the past year and recent months. Now it’s a daily practice.
But amidst it all I found that I had been focusing so much on my businesses that life had turned into just “work.” I found I was doing nothing that brought me that deep, inner satisfaction and joy that truly filled me from my deepest core. The way that made all worries disappear and brought peace that passes all understanding. I found I couldn’t relate to the praise songs or the psalms when they proclaimed of God’s fullness and satisfying goodness, because I was not experiencing that for myself anymore. I almost couldn’t remember the last time I had a personal experience of God’s true joy.
This was a problem.
Things were just good, average, sustainable, mediocre, happy, satisfactory but not JOYFUL.
But this changed VERY QUICKLY with journaling techniques that I began to learn and implement from my own coaches and other mentors and industry leaders and it’s been truly life changing for me. I’ve regained clarity. Drive. Determination. Vision. Passion. All those things I was trying to find but knew I never fully had it. I was trying to be “ok” with it, but I had to be honest with myself, and God, that I was not truly satisfied and couldn’t “fake it” anymore.
Enter journaling.
And in my particular case, only a few journaling sessions with specific techniques and complete honesty with myself and God, and I began to find and nurture my joy back in! Game changed.
And what’s awesome is when or if I begin to feel it slip, I know EXACTLY what to do to bring it back in rapid speed. I have a freedom and security of knowing that I will never again have to live in what felt like a sub-par, faded, shades-of-grey life! God is so good!
So whether you’ve been an avid journaler for years, or maybe you don’t even own a journal, on this 14 day journey you’ll learn specific ways to use journaling to improve any and all areas of your life. And in this particular program we’ll be focusing specifically on bringing back your true joy and fulfillment to your life.
- You will discover:
- Why your joy has gone away or dimmed
- Where it went and how to get it back
- What was blocking it so you can prevent it from leaving again
- How to nurture and develop your joy and your increase overall happiness
- How to raise your self-esteem in an instant
- How to determine the joy-stealer culprits in your life and counteract them
- How to use Scripture to defeat Satan and his attempts to have you living “less than” your true value
- Your own powerful joy-story that cannot be taken from you or defeated
- How to strategically use journaling to conquer and achieve any goal
- How to discover and unleash your true God-given power and beauty through proper journaling
So are you ready to reclaim your joy?
To stop simply “surviving” and to really live?!
There is no joy like the joy God gives us and until we can uncover and peel back the layers that have it hiding, we will continue to live lives less than what God intended us to be.
And I don’t want that for you, or for me.
We kick off on Thursday, November 10th for a 14-day journey together. There is pre-work ready to go as soon as you join so you can get the most out of this program. So grab your journal, join now, and I can’t wait to go on this journey with you!
Oh, price! Almost forgot that part. How much is it worth to you to learn the ways of restoring your passions, fulfillment and joy?!? Truly!? Priceless, I think! But we’ve got to put a price on it someway.
I feel for what you’re learning, and the lifelong impact it will have for you, $499 would be EASY to justify.
Plus it’s daily interaction, coaching and participation with me, and that alone adds up to hundreds of dollars individually.
But I want this program to be attainable for everyone! I want to help as many people as I can!
So not $499, not even $199. Jump on board for this no-brainer price of only $49! Yup!
That’s only $3.50 per day over the 14 days!! That’s laughable even! But it’s all for you.
No more excuses. You’re worth $3.50 a day, and EVERYDAY, to break free from your bondage of unhappiness and dissatisfaction. Time to journal your way into a joyful and meaningful life. <3
~Dr. Melody
Want more details? Here’s how it will go down:
- After you join you’ll get instructions on how to join the private Facebook group where the daily prompts and activities with me will go down.
- Plus you’ll be emailed the daily work to make sure you don’t miss a thing.
- And there is pre-work prompts that will be ready for you that you can begin implementing daily before we even start!
Get in now. We kick off Thursday, Nov. 10th for this 14 day journey. Leading right up to the day before Thanksgiving. How awesome to have your joy renewed and restored in time for holiday gatherings and to help combat the stress that can accompany this time of year. Let’s do this!
>> How much longer do you want to continue wondering “What’s wrong” or “Why do I not enjoy things like I did before?” “Where did my joy go?” We’ll tackle those things together and get you back on track.
You are worth it.
Just $3.50/day. Join me today.