Calling B.S. on the Devil!! Do not get trapped in his lies!

The Devil is on attack of your life EVERY DAY!

It hit me last night, after watching the movie War Room for the first time (great movie btw if you haven’t yet seen it!) that I have not been recognizing the Devil’s workings in my thoughts and in my heart because they’re so SUBTLE!

And that’s just the way he likes it!

Our brains are AMAZING. The most incredible creations on the face of the planet if you ask me. One of the many reasons I went into healthcare and got my Doctorate in physical therapy because I wanted to know all I could about our amazing bodies, and especially our brain.

But since we have free will and we have control of our minds, the Devil can find clever ways to begin to seep in and start chipping away at God’s truths and our thoughts around God in hopes of creating a divide and keeping us timid, scared and distrusting of God’s ability and intimacy that He wants to have with us.

NO MORE! I’m calling B.S. on the Devil!

He will NO LONGER convince me that I’m not good enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough, not capable enough, not special enough, that God is distant, can’t hear me, doesn’t care, wants to punish me, wants to hold back from me, doesn’t want to bless me. That’s he’s blinding me to see the beauty, the good, the grace, the mercy, the love, the humanity that’s all around me.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17

It’s time for you to do the same.

Start digging into God’s word. His promises of love, provision, beauty, abundance, grace and mercy. Use God’s word for the tool that it is–to guard and protect and defend and repel the forces of darkness and the enemy from slithering his way into your mind, thoughts and actions.

Jesus has already defeated him on the cross! The battle is WON!

Will you claim it for yourself? Will you claim that truth over your life and no longer be a slave to negativity, pessimism, self-condemnation, guilt and shame? God has such beauty, love, life and joy for you, if you only would dispel the Devil’s influences over you and your family in Jesus’ name.

You can do it. And let me know when you do. I’d love to join with you and the angels in rejoicing victory that you’re reclaiming God’s reign in your heart and that you’ve cast the Devil out for good!!
Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. If you’re needing help and guidance in reclaiming your beautiful and joy-filled life, it’s my ultimate pleasure to be that avenue for you. Book a free strategy session with me and we’ll flesh out the areas that have been holding you back and give you options on how I might be able to help facilitate you stepping into the life you’ve been missing.

God is working all around us…do you see Him? 3 questions to ask if it doesn’t seem like He’s there

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Have you ever heard that Albert Einstein quote, “Coincidences are God’s way of remaining anonymous.”

I personally don’t believe in coincidences; I truly feel that when they happen we are witnessing God’s hand at work and personal intervening in our lives.

And for me lately, they’ve been happening faster and faster and more frequently.
And it’s been pretty awesome!

I speak about this today and not specifically a “health” or “fitness” topic, because I wanted to share with you my experience and ask you if you’re opening your eyes to see God’s working all around and intimately in your daily life as well. And if you’re not, ask Him to open your eyes to see it. Because I promise you, it’s not because He’s absent!

I recently had an epiphany and some realizations about how I was viewing God in context to my childhood and cultural/societal experiences, and how they were actually false beliefs and not the true representation of God’s character that we learn about in the Bible.

They were pretty heavy, and freeing, realizations! But I wouldn’t have seen them had I not been willing to look inward.

Sometimes we need to take a step back and examine our upbringings and experiences in our past that may be erroneously shaping our view of God. And if you’re not careful, you could go your whole life without truly feeling and experiencing God and His work in your life, to the fullest that He desires you to.

And THAT would be a true tragedy.

>>Final Thought: My challenge to you today is to journal and be brave enough to ask yourself:

  • Am I open to seeing and recognizing God’s personal presence in my daily life?
  • Am I seeing ‘coincidences’ as God’s divine interaction in my life, or as completely unrelated?
  • Am I willing to open my mind and my eyes to look anew at my daily circumstances, to acknowledge the hand of God moving in and through me and my life?

These are some pretty heavy questions to unpack, but their value and freedom they can bring to you is priceless. I hope you’ll take the time to let them change you, from the inside.#youreworthit
Sending you ALL my love,

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. Can you see the power in these journaling questions? Are you feeling like you’re NOT seeing God moving in your life on a personal level? That you’re stuck in a rut in your physical or spiritual health and you don’t know how to climb out?

I’m opening 3 spots ONLY until the end of August for my 8 week, private 1:1 transformational personal coaching program. If you’re tired of feeling dissatisfied in your body or your faith-walk, knowing there’s more life has to offer, but not knowing how to get there–then this is for you.

Simply reply to this email (it goes directly to me, it doesn’t pass through my assistant or anyone else) or you can send me a private message on Facebook. We’ll put an immediate action plan in place for you, AND see if my 1:1 mentoring program would be a good fit. It’s time for you to breakthrough to your ultimate goals and embrace the wonders and beauty of life!

Life is TOO SHORT to not be living it to the fullest. And I can help you get unstuck–to feel amazing in your body, charging full-steam-ahead toward your goals, and deepening your relationship with Christ.

Comment below or PM me on Facebook and we’ll set up a time to chat. Only 3 spots open for the remainder of August. Let’s talk today.


Keeping the right perspective toward better health

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One step closer. One action and one day at a time. ‪#‎justkeepswimming‬

That’s how you achieve your goal.
That’s how you cross the finish line.
That’s how you look back to be proud of how far you’ve come.

This applies in ALL areas: personal, business, health, financial, emotional, spiritual, relational etc.

But when it comes to your health (weight loss, habit creation, lifestyle change) THIS is the perspective you need to have.

One decision, one action, one step in the right direction, day by day–in the end landing you at your goal with so much progress and change that you CANNOT go back. It’s impossible.

You’re different.
You’re new.
You’ve changed–for the better.

Your hard-wiring has been reconfigured because you’ve put in the WORK.
You’ve been dedicated.
You’ve persevered.
You’ve made the tough choices–time and time again until they became commonplace.


I’m sharing this with you because this is that path that I’m on in MY business and health-journey, and I’m humbled and grateful to be leading others on theirs as well.
Seeing their shifts and changes and wins right in front of my eyes. And it’s BEAUTIFUL and HUMBLING and INSPIRING all at the same time.
So it’s expanding.
I’M expanding.
My business and influence is expanding.
And God is leading the way.
>> Next up: Live events for women’s groups and churches. A dream I’ve had for quite awhile now, finally coming to fruition. Interactive and immersive 1-day retreats to re-energize your health AND connection with God. Each person will leave with a personalized ACTION PLAN fo their health: meal planning, exercise routines, nutrition savvy and clear goals.
And revitalization of their faith–leaving burdens, worries and baggage at the feet of Jesus to step into a NEW DAY filled with love, acceptance, and grace to fully embody who He created us to be.
Introducing Health & Hope 1-Day Women’s Retreats.
If you think this type of experience would be unique and fun for your women’s group or church, click the link to fill out the inquiry form to get more information about having a 1-day retreat for YOUR women’s small group or church. Now booking dates for Fall & Winter 2016.
Learn More Here –>
Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody
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