Becoming your Best Means not Giving Up–God Calls You to More

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Life is a journey. It has highs and lows. But through it all God is with you and beckons you to not give up.

Throughout the Bible we see many instances of triumphs and struggle, and sometimes the desire to quit. To get out of the game. It’s too hard, too demanding, too difficult. Let’s just throw in the towel.

Take Jonah for example. He did NOT want to go to Ninevah and share God’s offering of repentance and forgiveness. He wanted to quit. To give up. To turn his back on God. But a whole nation of people would not have been saved if He did not continue following God’s command and doing what he had been called to do anyway. But it wasn’t easy.

Any large feat in our lives–be it professional, emotional or physical–requires an attitude of perseverance. Of not giving in until we see it through.
The same can be said for our health. If we’re set on conquering a goal or seeing a different picture in the mirror, to be proud of our accomplishment and to feel better on the inside, that victory does not come without effort and continual dedication.

>> Final thought: I encourage you today to get re-connected with any goals, dreams or desires you’ve put by the wayside. Things you feel deep inside you’d like to accomplish or achieve, but haven’t yet made it, or even decided to quit some while back. God wants you to to be victorious. To better fulfill his calling and purpose on your life. And your health is interconnected in your ability to do so.

Make today a new day. To get back up, reset your focus and take the next step toward achieving it. #youreworthit

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. If the goal you’re desiring to achieve is a health or weight loss goal, I can really help you in this area. It’s my expertise. 😉 Take a look at our upcoming 30 Day VIP Challenge that kicks off THIS FRIDAY and see how my VIP community can be just the thing to support and motivate you along your journey.

Sometimes you just need a *break*– give it to God and REST!

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We are going 100 miles a minute almost ALL the time…

Sometimes we just need a break. A time out. A rest.
Two things that help amidst chaos and overwhelm are prayer (aka letting go) and journaling.

When we decide we’re no longer going to shoulder the burden, God has been waiting all along for us to lay it at his feet. It can be hard to fully let go, and if we can’t see a way out or think of HOW God is going to help or solve our strife, we don’t trust it will happen, so we remain in the struggle.

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God
so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all
your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:6-7
Secondly, journaling. Not just journaling when you’re so bottled up you might explode (which is a fine time to grab your pen and paper to save the oncoming onslaught) but to make journaling a daily release, daily habit, daily practice to get your emotions out of your head and into your consciousness. Amazing shifts, breakthroughs and beautiful awareness comes from writing out your life–day by day. Patterns emerge. Conversations get deep, frustrations get released, and honest talk with God happens.
 >> Final thought: If you’ve not yet developed a daily journaling practice, why not start today? Grab a pen and scrap paper–it doesn’t have to be fancy. Just start by reflecting on your day. See what comes out. Were there any challenges today that you need to dig into to learn, grow and let go of? Any unsettling feelings come that you should delve a little into the roots of? Simply writing them out will bring you more peace and clarity to help you give them over to God, not as a last resort, but as your “go-to” Redeemer.
Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody
P.S. Tired of running the “health race” on your own, and keep having frustrating up’s and down’s with little progress? There’s 7 days left to get in on the Grand Opening of my new online health coaching membership program. We’re an online community supporting and celebrating with each other as we stop the rat-race and truly make breakthroughs in our quality of life–in all areas. I’d love to have you with us. Grand Opening specials go away in 7 days. Check it out today.

When “life” happens…God’s response in tough times

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When life gets you down and you feel defeated at every turn…

God says I love you. I care about you. About your struggle. Trust me. Love me back. Have faith that I haven’t left you. Ask for my help. Share with me your pain. Your hurt. Your disappointment. I want to hear from you. Don’t turn to others first and me last. Even if you’re mad at me, I can handle your questions. Your feelings. Your raw emotion. I created you, remember? I knit you together and love you with a passion so strong I sent my son to die for you, to be a perfect sacrifice for you, so we could be together. Let me in. Let me restore. Rest in my presence. Give your burdens to me so I may give you rest. You are worthy. You are enough. You are my beloved daughter.

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. Looking for a safe, loving and encouraging online community to share your struggles and your triumphs? Join us in our free FB group, Worthy To Be Me. You never have to feel alone. Life was meant to be lived in community.

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