The Art of Discipline: Why it’s the key to achieving ANY goal

Discipline. Not a word we typically like. It conjures negative thoughts like hard work, time and effort, inconvenience, struggle.

But it is the key to your success.

Which successes, you ask? EVERY success.

And I’m learning this the hard way, believe me. But at least I’m learning. 😉

There are two things you need to have and embody in order to achieve your goals. And by goals, I mean ANY goal. Any dream. Any desire. Any pursuit. Any thing you’d like to create, be or have.

I’ve already given the first away: Discipline.

Can you guess the other? Take a second before you read on and truly think what other characteristic you think it could be….time? talent? knowledge? luck?


Discipline + Consistency = SUCCESS!

What I’ve found to be true in my life and the life of each of my patient’s a clients is that without these two components, success is only partly realized. They MUST go together.

“But they’re hard!” I know. Give yourself permission to throw a pity party for a second, then face the facts and own up to it. How do you stack up in these two areas right now?

>> Where are you practicing them well, and where do you need to improve?

It’s only when you’re able to do take stock in your own life and habits, and examine where change needs to take place–then begin implementing it–before you will ever see things change and fully achieve your goals.

I’ve realized for myself, being an entrepreneur and business owner for the past 5 years, that when I’ve made great strides and achieved great things in my personal and professional life, I’ve had both of these going at the same time. But when I allow one or both to slack off, they’re no longer in balance and the only thing that suffers is my results! My success. My satisfaction of reaping the rewards.

So why do we do it? Why do we not discipline ourselves enough to be consistent to the end?

So many reasons actually. But one of the big ones is self-sabotage. We’re wired innately in our brains for fight or flight –> survival. So as we’ve advanced in our society and no longer need to run and hunt wild animals or scavenge for food and resources, the instincts and wiring still remains. So now it tries to protect us from other “perceived threats” such as success, public exposure, visibility, even joy and true happiness. Because in the subconscious mind’s eye these things each bring with them the unknown.

And unknown = bad.

So fear sets in. Doubt. Self-limiting beliefs. Negative self talk. All kinds of creative ways the mind tries to thwart your efforts. Because you are daring to enter the unknown! How dare you! How risky and dangerous!

But let’s open our eyes to understanding our wiring, and that it no longer needs to protect us. We can reassure our mind that we are knowingly entering in to uncharted territory. We can tell our brain that it’s ok and that it’s protection strategies are actually hindering, not helping.

When you begin to speak to yourself–audibly, through writing and silently in your mind–you chip away at the fear. The limitations. The lies that say you don’t know what you are doing. And even if you really don’t know what you are doing, you can reassure your mind that you are moving forward intentionally anyway.

Sometimes we just need to have a heart to heart with ourselves!

I encourage you today to begin the “inner work.” The work on self. The work that in the end will unlock all of your potential, your dreams, your goals will be realized and your soul will be set free.

But you have to put in the time…consistently. You have to work toward your goals…consistently. You have to move past the fear…consistently. You have to have a dedicated and disciplined mindset. You have to put the systems and strategies in place to allow discipline to become second nature.

If you’re confused about your lack of progress or you’ve tried and failed too many times to count, I guarantee you it was because either (or both) discipline and consistency were lacking or not in balance.

But now that you know the problem, you can make NEXT TIME the right time. And the time after that, and after that, and after that…consistently enough that you will have NO CHOICE but to succeed.

I’m cheering you on!

~Dr. Melody

#DrMelody #healthandhopemotivator #Christcenteredcoaching #youreworthit

P.S. If you’re realizing that where you’ve gone wrong in the past was lack of either of these two key traits and you’re ready to get moving again–this time to achieve a better result–I can help you do that with record speed. Having a coach by your side, helping you see areas you’re missing, to be a sounding board, to be an advocate…that’s what I’m best at. I help my clients succeed. Whether it’s weight loss, healthy lifestyle implementation, personal growth and development and so much more, I can help.

Click here to choose a time of your convenience to chat with me and let’s map out your game plan and chart your success course. <3 The only thing suffering is you. It’s time to take you all the way to the success you’ve been dreaming about.

God is working all around us…do you see Him? 3 questions to ask if it doesn’t seem like He’s there

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Have you ever heard that Albert Einstein quote, “Coincidences are God’s way of remaining anonymous.”

I personally don’t believe in coincidences; I truly feel that when they happen we are witnessing God’s hand at work and personal intervening in our lives.

And for me lately, they’ve been happening faster and faster and more frequently.
And it’s been pretty awesome!

I speak about this today and not specifically a “health” or “fitness” topic, because I wanted to share with you my experience and ask you if you’re opening your eyes to see God’s working all around and intimately in your daily life as well. And if you’re not, ask Him to open your eyes to see it. Because I promise you, it’s not because He’s absent!

I recently had an epiphany and some realizations about how I was viewing God in context to my childhood and cultural/societal experiences, and how they were actually false beliefs and not the true representation of God’s character that we learn about in the Bible.

They were pretty heavy, and freeing, realizations! But I wouldn’t have seen them had I not been willing to look inward.

Sometimes we need to take a step back and examine our upbringings and experiences in our past that may be erroneously shaping our view of God. And if you’re not careful, you could go your whole life without truly feeling and experiencing God and His work in your life, to the fullest that He desires you to.

And THAT would be a true tragedy.

>>Final Thought: My challenge to you today is to journal and be brave enough to ask yourself:

  • Am I open to seeing and recognizing God’s personal presence in my daily life?
  • Am I seeing ‘coincidences’ as God’s divine interaction in my life, or as completely unrelated?
  • Am I willing to open my mind and my eyes to look anew at my daily circumstances, to acknowledge the hand of God moving in and through me and my life?

These are some pretty heavy questions to unpack, but their value and freedom they can bring to you is priceless. I hope you’ll take the time to let them change you, from the inside.#youreworthit
Sending you ALL my love,

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. Can you see the power in these journaling questions? Are you feeling like you’re NOT seeing God moving in your life on a personal level? That you’re stuck in a rut in your physical or spiritual health and you don’t know how to climb out?

I’m opening 3 spots ONLY until the end of August for my 8 week, private 1:1 transformational personal coaching program. If you’re tired of feeling dissatisfied in your body or your faith-walk, knowing there’s more life has to offer, but not knowing how to get there–then this is for you.

Simply reply to this email (it goes directly to me, it doesn’t pass through my assistant or anyone else) or you can send me a private message on Facebook. We’ll put an immediate action plan in place for you, AND see if my 1:1 mentoring program would be a good fit. It’s time for you to breakthrough to your ultimate goals and embrace the wonders and beauty of life!

Life is TOO SHORT to not be living it to the fullest. And I can help you get unstuck–to feel amazing in your body, charging full-steam-ahead toward your goals, and deepening your relationship with Christ.

Comment below or PM me on Facebook and we’ll set up a time to chat. Only 3 spots open for the remainder of August. Let’s talk today.


The unexpected lessons from my fender bender


I absolutely love this quote by Maya Angelou, but I’d like to add one more thing from my experience today: 4) Being in a fender bender.

The lady who backed into me was so apologetic and kept saying, “Thank you so much for not yelling at me!”

Wait a second. …..WHAT??!

You’re very welcome for not yelling at you, but I wasn’t even angry or upset! Why would I be? That’s why it’s called an ACCIDENT. …..and we’ve ALL been on the other end of the coin and would WE have liked being yelled at? No!

So I pose this question to you: When something unexpected happens that you didn’t have control over, what is your first initial gut reaction?

Anger? Frustration? Indignation? Fury?

Because what is lying under the surface says A LOT about the status of your soul.

Is it at rest, not to be easily rattled, or is it bubbling with dissatisfaction, ready to unleash against anything or anyone at the next opportunity?

9 times out of 10, were you really that angry at that person about that situation? Or are you willing to look deeper to see if your feelings are misplaced about some heart issues that have been lying dormant, not being tended to. ‪#‎thetruthcanhurt‬

It’s amazing the peace we can have, amidst almost ANY situation, if we deal with the deeper issues our past, our brokenness, our hurts and our pain. Putting them into the light, bringing them up to the surface to be properly dealt with, seen and released.
Asking for God’s help to heal the cracks and mend the tears.

Finally letting our soul be free.

Seeing day-to-day situations as they SHOULD be, not blown out of proportion and misdirected. Turn the mirror on yourself and be brave enough to begin the healing. ♡

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