What a pain in the butt!! (Literally) How to treat Sciatica at home…

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Shooting, cramping, stinging, electric pain in the butt! And sometimes down your leg. Let me introduce you to sciatica.

If you’re lucky enough to have never been in its grips, good for you!! But chances are you’ve heard others talk about it, or even had someone close to you suffer with it.
And as a physical therapist I’ve been recently treating it A LOT lately, so it occurred to me to pass on some tips to you on how to get it under control at home–and fast!

As terrible and debilitating as the pain can be at its worst, just knowing a few simple home techniques, and how to apply them properly, can DRAMATICALLY reduce the pain. And when you’re suffering, pain relief can’t come fast enough!

But with some very specific actions and techniques you can get an immediate reduction in the pain until it gets better day by day, until it’s eventually gone–And yes, we can help it to be completely gone.

So here’s how to get the low-down.

This Thursday, August 4th @ 6:30pm PST I’m doing a live training call about exactly how to RECOGNIZE, TREAT and RID yourself of sciatica pain–PLUS–I’m including time for live Q&A to help you individually–all for only $99. Wait, strike that. All for just $29!

It’s kind of insane to give away these expert insider techniques for self-treatment and RAPID pain reduction for sciatica for such a minimal cost, but this problem can be so debilitating that I want whoever NEEDS and wants this information, to have a no-brainer price point to get it.

(Oh and yes, I forgot to mention it WILL be recorded if you’re not able to make it live. So if you register, then you will be emailed the recording, you just won’t be able to ask me questions live.) 😉

I love helping as many people as possible with the abundance of knowledge and training that I have, so if this particular training and subject meets your needs, sign up here and I look forward to sharing with you THIS THURSDAY!

Register here. After payment is received, details on how to join the live training call will be emailed to you. 🙂 Chat soon!

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. This training is open to everyone! So if you know a friend or loved one who has been plagued by sciatica on and off for years and never fully able to get it resolved (or maybe is experiencing it now!) please forward this game-changing info to them and share openly on your networks of choice. Thanks for helping me get the word out to help more people! #DrMelody #healthandhopemotivator


Turning to food when you’re stressed, tired, anxious, or sad? Yeah me too–but here’s a few tips to help…

Blog Post

I found myself turning to food to comfort me in my time of anxiety and worry. But I knew that wasn’t the answer.

Have you ever been there? I’ve been finding myself there a few times lately, but I’m so glad I’m starting to become more aware of it so I can recognize it and divert to a different (non-food) method of dealing with it.

And I must admit. I’m not always 100% successful. But I’m getting there. And awareness and naming the emotions underlying those feelings is key.

Here’s a few tips next time you find yourself in the “comfort food” struggle, when you know you’re not actually hungry, it’s something deeper.

  1. Identify the triggering situation or circumstance at the root of the cause.
  2. Name the exact feelings underlying that desire to eat, when you know you’re not hungry, or you know food is not the solution.
  3. Journal your heart out. In times of great internal debate and unrest, one of the best things you can do is journal and pray. But journaling can be a form of prayer if you choose to write out what you’re feeling in a letter to God.
  4. List alternative non-food ways you can deal with the situation and why you’re having those feelings in the first place. (hint: exercise is a GREAT option.)
  5. Spend time in prayer giving those burdens, concerns, worries, uneasiness and anxieties (and anything else you need to) over to God. Share with him why you’re concerned and have been holding onto these feelings, and give them to God and ask for his help to solve the problem and/or to fill you wiht his peace that passes all understanding so you may liberate your mind from the things that are weighing you down.
  6. And lastly, write an action plan for how you will deal with the same scenario if/when it happens again and what non-food actions you will take to begin creating new default responses that don’t add to your waistline and guilt, disappointment or shame, and instead are healthier ways to deal with the stresses in life.

>>Final Thought: We know that food is not the answer when we’re eating to fill a different void that we don’t want to acknowledge. But the freedom from this detrimental pattern is in the acknowledgement. Next time you’re tempted to soothe your soul with sweets or salty treats when you KNOW you’re not hungry, work your way through these 6 steps and ultimately turn your situation over to God. He is waiting for you to lay it at his feet and give you relief.

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. I’ve found it supremely therapeutic and helpful when I’m working on my own health and weight goals to surround myself with other girlfriends doing the same, who can relate and not place blame or shame when they hear of my not-so-perfect choices sometimes. Being able to be candid, supportive, honest and vulnerable is so healing and therapeutic to keep the momentum and drive toward your goals alive.

Starting Aug. 1st is the next 30 day interval of my #vip30 challenge in my private VIP ladies group. Together we’re changing our lives, habits and dress sizes one day at a time. If you know you need to be with a supportive and driven environment to spur you on to your own weight loss goals, this is just the place to be. Learn more here and join us before Aug. 1st!


I got asked if I was pregnant–And I’m not. How I dealt with it and what I’ve already DONE in response.

Blog Post

Has that ever happened to you? Being asked if you were pregnant when you’re not? It’s not a great experience.
But this time was different…

The best way to share with you the full scoop is to give you access to the video I made on YouTube.

I was shocked by my initial response, so you probably will be too.  Check out the video below:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seOT35806B0]

I hope you watched it, because it’s a great story. But what’s even better is the ACTION I took right afterward.

Seeing as how in the video I talk about how I had lost 11 pounds over the past few months and feeling super great about my progress, I had already been thinking it’s to start shopping for new clothes, and even thinking of getting some of my favorite tops (like the one I’m wearing in the video) to get taken in at the tailor.

And I did. The very next day.

Just picked ’em up today in fact! They all fit SOOOO much better than before, and even though they’re meant to be a little flowy and loose, now they fit me just perfectly and there will be NO confusion anymore if I’m pregnant or not! Lol

And I didn’t just get them taken in because of what happened. I had already been thinking about it before that happened. I got them taken in to feel better in my own clothes and about myself and to celebrate my progress.

There’s a big difference there. 😉

>>Final thought: Regardless if you find yourself in the somewhat embarrassing and uncomfortable situation I did, don’t let other people’s comments or opinions get you down. If you’re unhappy with your body, and think their comments may have been justified, then start taking action in the direction you’d like to see your body be.

But that should be purely initiated by YOU, not by what others think or how they make you feel. God created you and says you’re beautiful. He does not make mistakes.

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. Here’s the link I mention in the video if you’re ready for support, community and accountability as you move through your health or weight loss goals.
Our next #vip30 day challenge kicks off Aug. 1st, so come join this incredible group of ladies making awesome changes in their health and life. We’d love to have you there too!


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