Healthy eating!

Last week I took a poll online in the Facebook group I lead asking what the biggest challenge people had when it comes to self improvement, and the #1 answer was healthy eating.

So I started thinking “How I could help you make that easier?”
And what came to mind was harnessing the power of our own subconscious mind!

The way we do this is through affirmations.

Affirmations are positive self-talk statements, regardless if they’re currently true or not.

They are talking to yourself in a way that makes your brain believe it is true, and helps you subconsciously start to turn those things into a reality.

Here’s an example of three of my favorite healthy eating affirmations:

  • “I love eating healthy good-for-me food because I know I’m fueling my body in the best way possible.”
  • “I believe God has given me this one body to care for and I take that responsibility seriously. Starting with what I put into it and how I keep it healthy.”
  • “Self-respect is the highest form of love I can show myself. It keeps me available to help others because I have first cared for myself.”

I’ve created a free audio of 10 Healthy Eating Affirmations that you can begin listening to, and repeating aloud every day that will begin to make it easier to make better choices.

But the key is persistence and consistency.

So if you get started, make a personal commitment to yourself to do begin to do this every day as a part of your routine in order for it to begin working for you.

Ready to get started?

Email subject line "Healthy Affirmations" to and I'll send the audio your way!


P.S. Want to be part of a community focused on healthy living and encouragement for your walk with Christ?  >>>Join my free Facebook group Worthy To Be Me. <<<
It’s the perfect place for support, inspiration and community for health, faith and life. 🙂
See you there!

Are you a victim of life or living in the fullness God has available for you?

This is one of my most straight-to-the-heart chats that cuts to the core of the happiness we experience, or lack thereof, in life.

I’ve been working through a 30 day personal improvement self-created challenge to really get myself to a better place physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Because I know we were created for more.
You are. I am. He is. She is.
They are. We are.

So why are so many of us roaming through life with constant dissatisfaction and to put it plainly, unhappiness?

God has created us with the ability to think, learn, grow, change, move, reason and love. If you find yourself unhappy in ANY circumstance or area of your life, it’s time to take action TODAY to make a change.

You’re fully capable, it’s just a choice. You can choose any time. Why not right now?

Stay and sulk the way things are, or create a change (internally and externally) and begin removing the gunk and negativity around you, revealing the beauty that is apparent everywhere you look!

If you open your eyes to see it.

And the beautiful thing is, you can do that RIGHT NOW. Click the video to hear my full message. Your happiness depends on it!

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This is from Day 17 of my personal 30 day challenge and it’s been an incredible ride.

If you make the commitment to start changing areas of your life for the positive, I’d love to meet, encourage and support you. Join me at my free Facebook group: Worth To Be Me.

See you there!


Easiest carb-free dinner EVER? Yes please!

I don’t even think you’re ready for how amazing, easy, simple and FAST this dinner is. It’s almost ludicrous of me even writing about it, because it going to go so quick. Lol. But get ready. Here you go! Shrimpies & Veggie Noodles Shrimp and Veggie Noodles– Serves 2
(And FYI “shrimpies” is just my personal cute name for shrimp…it’s not a weird or unique variety of shrimp…lol. Just to clear things up) 😉
  1. Make veggie noodles using a Veggetti – 1 large yellow squash and 1 large zucchini
  2. Saute’ 6-8 large shrimp in grapeseed or olive oil, seasoned with salt, pepper and spices of your choice. Liberally coated.
  3. Flip shrimp to other side after 2-3 minutes and cook until no longer translucent (4-5 minutes tops). Remove from pan.
  4. Cut veggie noodles once or twice to make smaller strands, and toss into pan.
  5. Heat through, coating in oil and seasonings from shrimp for 2-3 minutes. Add extra oil or spices if needed.
  6. Divide noodles into 2 servings and top with shrimp.


Can you believe it? I told you it was fast! I honestly think the whole dinner is cooked in under 10 minutes. If your shrimp are fresh or already defrosted that will save time, and honestly the longest time is spent twisting the squash into noodles (4-5 minutes, tops). Enjoy! ~Melody  
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