God has already provided all you need…

You need it? God’s got it–in more ways than one.

The amazing and omnipresent thing about God is that He already knows your needs and has already prepared the answers and solutionswe just haven’t yet caught up with them!

God is not bound by time. He lives outside the confines of our temporal reality.
So He sees and lives in all time frames–history and future–simultaneously. That is almost impossible for us to grasp, as it’s the dimension we live in–and are bound by–but not God.

So when we are in a crises, or uncertain about our future, or not knowing or seeing the answers as to what is to come–God is already ahead of us. He’s already been there, prepared a way for us, worked out the details. But we’ve not yet caught up.

Rest assured, my darling, that God has it all under control. Ask for His peace in your situation, not fretting that He has forgotten you or doesn’t know the outcome–He’s gone before you and it’s already done.

Now He asks for us to TRUST Him and have PATIENCE and FAITH as we move through our 24 hours in a day, until we catch up to His solution.

>> Final Thought: What are your worried about, fretting that God is not there, doesn’t understand or can’t help you? Where do you need to have more faith to trust that He’s already gone before you–created your solution–and His word says “Do not fear” and “Trust me” over and over again, but you still haven’t let go….?

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing Dad’s out there, mine included, and even more so to our Heavenly Father.

Thank you, God, that you love us even more than our earthly father’s can, even in their best attempts. You are the one who never fails, showers unconditional love on us, and offers us the gift of eternal life. Thank you for your love that we still can hardly comprehend. Amen.

Take heart–God is greater than your struggle, greater than your strife

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When life is hard, obstacles seems overwhelming, you can’t see past the current struggle or situation–take heart! God is greater and more powerful than we can imagine.

One of my newest favorite recording artists is Blanca, and her words ring in my ears of her song Greater Is He. (<– click the link to listen)

Greater is He living in me
Than he who is in the world
Whatever may come, His strength is enough
My heart is at peace, for greater is He…

And in His name, giants will fall
And in His name, oceans will part
And in His name, there’s nothing we won’t overcome
This is our God, this is our God

Such a beautiful message of hope, peace and assurance that no matter our circumstances, no matter our current struggle or obstacles, God is bigger than them all.

>>Final thought: Are you at peace amidst your concerns? Are you resting in His name? Or have you given in to the fear that God won’t help, can’t help and you’re alone to fight this battle? “For my yolk is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30

Choose to take off the heavy burden and leave it at feet of Jesus. It takes faith and courage, but you can do it. Ask God to envelope you’re in His peace while you weather the storm knowing He is ultimately in control.

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. I wish you a beautiful Father’s Day tomorrow, and encourage you to view this day not only for honoring your earthly father, but appreciating, reflecting and praising God for being the ultimate example of a loving father. Perhaps take a few quiet minutes to read through the Psalms or Genesis 1 about the beauty, strength and power of our Almighty Father, who has adopted us into his kingdom by the blood of His son Jesus. The most perfect sacrifice given for us, His children. Amen.

When you’re not proud of your choices you want to throw in the towel…

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Life is not always easy. And when the going gets tough it IS easy to forget the good things, forget our progress, forget that we’re “human,” get derailed, beat ourselves up mentally and turn on ourselves with nasty self-talk.

Why is that?

Just yesterday we were proud of ourselves, things were going well, we saw beauty and life all around us, then the very next day it can seem as if the whole world has turned upside down and we’re left in frustration and despair.

How easily we forget the good. How quickly our minds can revert to the negative.

If you’re in one of those seasons where you don’t see a way out, a silver lining, a glimmer of hope–I want to remind you that it’s a beautiful thing we serve a God who is so much bigger and sees the things we don’t and works in ways we cannot see–who is the One on the throne and ultimately in control.

The devil’s sole mission is to kill, steal and destroy anything that will distract, discourage and disconnect us from God’s love and our faith and belief that He’s working for our good!

Do not give in!

Do not let the seeds of doubt and discouragement have any sort of home in your precious heart.

>>Final thought: I encourage you today to return in your heart to a place of trusting God’s goodness, mercy and love in spite of your current circumstances. Can you show Him your faith is still strong and steadfast, even amidst personal struggles or chaotic circumstances?
His love for you is unwavering. Can you demonstrate the same?

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. If you’re looking for encouragement, love, acceptance and support through all of life’s up and downs, I invite you to join my private Facebook group, Worthy To Be Me. We lift each other up as we move forward creating healthier lives for our physical bodies and stepping into the fullness of love God has for each of us.



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