The message of Hope never runs dry…not for your SOUL and not for your HEALTH!

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We can always use a little more HOPE–for our spiritual health and our physical health. Hope always applies.

Now typically on Wednesday’s I do a weekly mid-week tips email highlighting one tip for Fitness, Faith and Food. But this week, I felt sending you a direct message about HOPE was more important.

Hope is an essential part our lives and our psyche that is critical to our basic function.

It is the lack of hope that causes the trauma, abuse, neglect, fear and depression we see in our world today. This simple four-letter word of ‘hope’ can reverse and prevent catastrophic events in our lives and in those around us.

As Christians, we put our hope in an all-knowing, ever-loving, abundant and caring God. Creator of the Universe who knows and loves you before you were even born.

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Hebrews 6:19

And when we struggle with our weight, our self-image, our commitments, our resolve, our perseverance…it is HOPE that we cling to pull us through. The hope of a new outcome, a new reality, a brighter future, and different path, a new beginning, a beautiful ending…none of it would exist if it weren’t for hope.

>> Final thought: When life gets you down, or you’re disappointed in yourself, or you can’t see a way out…put your hope in Christ Jesus, who has already won the ultimate battle.You can be sure He will not fail you. It is impossible for him to do so. God has your victory already in hand. Trust that He will see it through. Keep the faith.

Place your hope in God’s mighty and capable hands.

“And so, Lord, where do I put my hope?
My only hope is in you.” Psalm 39:7

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. I encourage you today that if you’ve lost hope that you can never achieve a weight loss goal because you’ve tried and failed so many times before, or if you’ve felt like the road to better health is hard and too difficult to navigate–take heart! There is still hope that it can be done. I see it every day. I work with women who achieve it

And you can be a part of it.

Tomorrow is the final day to join me–and other motivated Christian ladies–before we launch into July 1st armed with the tools, resources, accountability and support to achieve new heights in our health, our weight and our vitality.

You will not want to miss out.

Accountability has been the #1 reason my community succeeds, and there are so many perks to joining us I can’t list them all here! Take a look for yourself and learn more here.

Hope lives on to give us a bright and beautiful future!

When “life” happens…God’s response in tough times

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When life gets you down and you feel defeated at every turn…

God says I love you. I care about you. About your struggle. Trust me. Love me back. Have faith that I haven’t left you. Ask for my help. Share with me your pain. Your hurt. Your disappointment. I want to hear from you. Don’t turn to others first and me last. Even if you’re mad at me, I can handle your questions. Your feelings. Your raw emotion. I created you, remember? I knit you together and love you with a passion so strong I sent my son to die for you, to be a perfect sacrifice for you, so we could be together. Let me in. Let me restore. Rest in my presence. Give your burdens to me so I may give you rest. You are worthy. You are enough. You are my beloved daughter.

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. Looking for a safe, loving and encouraging online community to share your struggles and your triumphs? Join us in our free FB group, Worthy To Be Me. You never have to feel alone. Life was meant to be lived in community.

His temple–Our responsibility. God’s best design for our bodies

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I find it fascinating when I survey people or am doing market research that many Christians have not correlated the call to action for our health as being related to our spiritual life.

Perhaps most people do on some level, but not as a daily intentional aspect of how they live their lives and how they care for their bodies. And how much differently would they look and feel if they did!

Our society makes it so easy to pack on the pounds and go down the sugar-induced-coma-lethargy cycle and we wonder why we’re always tired, sluggish and unhappily overweight.

As Christians, if we decided to take the command seriously to treat our bodies as the personal and holy temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19), how much would that change our actions–and thus our outcomes?!

>> Final thought: I encourage you today to evaluate how sacredly are you treating God’s temple? Is it thriving with energy, enthusiasm and love, or is it weighed down, tired and unhappy? That simple mental switch can be the catalyst to drive your actions toward creating a healthier and more vibrant body on the outside, which inevitably creates a happier, healthier you on the inside.

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. Are you ready to step-up and take intentional action toward creating a healthier you?
To lose weight in a safe, healthy and natural way for sustained results and more energy to fulfill God’s purposes in your life? I’ve got just the community and solution to make that happen.

Check out my newest 30 Day VIP Challenge and Fit+Faith VIP Community. It might be just the thing you’re looking for to be guided and supported to create healthy changes and treat your body as the temple it is, that God has entrusted to you.

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