The message of Hope never runs dry…not for your SOUL and not for your HEALTH!

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We can always use a little more HOPE–for our spiritual health and our physical health. Hope always applies.

Now typically on Wednesday’s I do a weekly mid-week tips email highlighting one tip for Fitness, Faith and Food. But this week, I felt sending you a direct message about HOPE was more important.

Hope is an essential part our lives and our psyche that is critical to our basic function.

It is the lack of hope that causes the trauma, abuse, neglect, fear and depression we see in our world today. This simple four-letter word of ‘hope’ can reverse and prevent catastrophic events in our lives and in those around us.

As Christians, we put our hope in an all-knowing, ever-loving, abundant and caring God. Creator of the Universe who knows and loves you before you were even born.

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Hebrews 6:19

And when we struggle with our weight, our self-image, our commitments, our resolve, our perseverance…it is HOPE that we cling to pull us through. The hope of a new outcome, a new reality, a brighter future, and different path, a new beginning, a beautiful ending…none of it would exist if it weren’t for hope.

>> Final thought: When life gets you down, or you’re disappointed in yourself, or you can’t see a way out…put your hope in Christ Jesus, who has already won the ultimate battle.You can be sure He will not fail you. It is impossible for him to do so. God has your victory already in hand. Trust that He will see it through. Keep the faith.

Place your hope in God’s mighty and capable hands.

“And so, Lord, where do I put my hope?
My only hope is in you.” Psalm 39:7

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. I encourage you today that if you’ve lost hope that you can never achieve a weight loss goal because you’ve tried and failed so many times before, or if you’ve felt like the road to better health is hard and too difficult to navigate–take heart! There is still hope that it can be done. I see it every day. I work with women who achieve it

And you can be a part of it.

Tomorrow is the final day to join me–and other motivated Christian ladies–before we launch into July 1st armed with the tools, resources, accountability and support to achieve new heights in our health, our weight and our vitality.

You will not want to miss out.

Accountability has been the #1 reason my community succeeds, and there are so many perks to joining us I can’t list them all here! Take a look for yourself and learn more here.

Hope lives on to give us a bright and beautiful future!

Sign up NOW for the 30 Day VIP Challenge: Kicks off July 1st!

Are you ready to finally lose that unwanted weight? Here’s what we’ve got in store……  GRAND OPENING pricing ends June 30th!

30 Day VIP Challenge 2

The Perfect Pairing for Balanced Health–Both Inside AND Out…

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The perfect balance to meet your needs–inside and out.

It’s awesome when things come in pairs. It makes it easy to remember and easy to digest (no pun intended). 😉

Let’s start with the easiest: food. Our bodies function at their best when they’re given high quality, whole food. Just as God intended–hence why He created them! 😉

For our bodies, we need to have a balance of whole food providing us nutrients, fiber and healthy fat (aka beneficial oils.) Try pairing these things together this week:

  • Tomatoes and avocado
  • Cucumber or carrots and olives
  • Butternut squash and almonds
  • Sweet potato and pecans
  • Apple and walnuts

For our spiritual health–equally as important to be mindful of–try pairing these together:

  • Grace and Forgiveness
  • Mercy and Love
  • Empathy and Compassion
  • Obedience and Faith
  • Kind-heartedness and Joy

It’s easy to throw around these terms and to read them in our Bible or even to study them, but to be truly mindful of practicing them can be a different story…

>> Final thought: Pick one pairing from each category (body and soul) and take action on it as soon as possible–even now if you can. See what other perfect pairings you can begin to spot all around you. The most perfect of all is that God chose to pair himself with you.

A more perfect pair could never have been made. 😉 You are loved.

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. I’ve got another perfect pairing for you: Your health and my expertise–a match made in Heaven. 😉 I’m giving a live training today at 4pm PST called “Reclaiming Your Health“exclusively for my VIP members. We’re about to kick off an awesome month of July to shed unwanted pounds, rock new healthy habits and kick-butt together all inside my new exclusive VIP membership.

You’re worth it.

Your health is worth it.

Let’s get healthy–together.

Click here to claim your bonuses and see if it’s what you’ve been waiting for to get your health back on track in a fun, supportive online community with all the resources you need!

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