Gut-check! One of the most powerful statements I’ve heard recently…

Have you ever had one of those moments that you heard something that was so powerful it wouldn’t leave you?

That happened to me about a week ago.  A fellow entrepreneur and health coach shared with me one of her favorite statements that hit me at the core. She said,

“The authentic self has no need for excess weight.”


I felt like a light-bulb had flicked on in my head and an awakening happened inside my belly. I love constantly learning and growing. Realizing we don’t know it all, and we shouldn’t. The beauty in life, friendships and relationships is that we glean from other’s knowledge and experiences, if it we choose to be open to change.

And even though when my friend said this, it wasn’t directly meant for coaching or schooling me, it was just a comment in passing, but to me it was so powerful!

I’ve adapted it in my own way for what feels super meaningful to me:


And what I mean by extra baggage is still in reference to excess weight, but actually it can be meant for all areas of life. That when we are truly fulfilled, living our calling and serving and loving others, we don’t need fillers, distractions, idleness, mindless time-wasters.

>>Final Thought: When you’re living a truly fulfilled life, you have everything you need, and your body performs naturally at its highest level. It sheds extra weight and craves healthy fuel (i.e. food) and activity. To me that’s such a powerful mental shift. I hope it inspires you, as it did me. And not to make you feel like your life isn’t good or valuable, but to help you reflect on any areas that you may feel are not in congruence with the feeling of true fulfillment.

And if you find some, the next question is, are you brave enough to start making a change? To move forward to create the life that is fulfilling on a soul-level, in every area.
You’re worth it.

Have a beautiful day. 😉

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. As you reflect, if you feel that an area you’re struggling with is your body (i.e. aches and pain, poor sleep, back pain etc.) I invite you to explore my newest program–4 Weeks To A Stronger Core.

Here we’re diving deeper into understanding our body and the critical reasons for having a strong core. Your core supports every other bodily function, so it’s no joke. This isn’t a boot camp to get a “6-pack”, this is pairing down to the root of core strength, and building upon it properly.

If that interests you, we kick off this Wednesday, July 27th, so check it out here. 😉

I got asked if I was pregnant–And I’m not. How I dealt with it and what I’ve already DONE in response.

Blog Post

Has that ever happened to you? Being asked if you were pregnant when you’re not? It’s not a great experience.
But this time was different…

The best way to share with you the full scoop is to give you access to the video I made on YouTube.

I was shocked by my initial response, so you probably will be too.  Check out the video below:


I hope you watched it, because it’s a great story. But what’s even better is the ACTION I took right afterward.

Seeing as how in the video I talk about how I had lost 11 pounds over the past few months and feeling super great about my progress, I had already been thinking it’s to start shopping for new clothes, and even thinking of getting some of my favorite tops (like the one I’m wearing in the video) to get taken in at the tailor.

And I did. The very next day.

Just picked ’em up today in fact! They all fit SOOOO much better than before, and even though they’re meant to be a little flowy and loose, now they fit me just perfectly and there will be NO confusion anymore if I’m pregnant or not! Lol

And I didn’t just get them taken in because of what happened. I had already been thinking about it before that happened. I got them taken in to feel better in my own clothes and about myself and to celebrate my progress.

There’s a big difference there. 😉

>>Final thought: Regardless if you find yourself in the somewhat embarrassing and uncomfortable situation I did, don’t let other people’s comments or opinions get you down. If you’re unhappy with your body, and think their comments may have been justified, then start taking action in the direction you’d like to see your body be.

But that should be purely initiated by YOU, not by what others think or how they make you feel. God created you and says you’re beautiful. He does not make mistakes.

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. Here’s the link I mention in the video if you’re ready for support, community and accountability as you move through your health or weight loss goals.
Our next #vip30 day challenge kicks off Aug. 1st, so come join this incredible group of ladies making awesome changes in their health and life. We’d love to have you there too!


I self-sabotaged……Again!…(that was me….YESTERDAY!)

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Not again…I was determined! I was dedicated! I was FINALLY making progress! And what did I do?

I screwed it up. I self-sabotaged. I intentionally tried to mess it up!

Can you relate? I see this pattern as I start to make progress in my weight loss goals, and my better judgement gets pushed aside by the temporary desire for a guilty pleasure! And I’m not saying that treating yourself every once in a while is a bad thing or something “wrong” but when it comes as a direct reaction to making progress, that’s where the problem lies.

But here’s the good news–for me AND for you–Not losing the battle in our minds is what really matters.

Knowing we WILL eventually achieve our goals is how the minor setbacks lose their power. The occasional indulgence (or blueberry scone in my case) cannot undo the other 95% of effort we’ve been putting in. It may delay the outcome, but it will not reverse it.

>>Final thought: Next time we catch ourselves about to self-sabotage when we’ve been making such good progress–give grace to our heart and mind. Know that God loves us no matter what, but if we’re still committed to our goal, then have faith it will be achieved in the end.

One set-back does not negate your destiny.

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. Looking for how to uncover and eliminate the obstacles that keep showing up and blocking your progress for weight loss and better health? My newest course is NOW LIVEOvercoming Obstacles to Weight Loss.

This 3 part mini-course will take your from identifying, prioritizing and creating a plan to layout your life in a way that propels you to your goals.

Get started today.

Life is best lived to the fullest–You’re worth it!

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