Turning to food when you’re stressed, tired, anxious, or sad? Yeah me too–but here’s a few tips to help…

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I found myself turning to food to comfort me in my time of anxiety and worry. But I knew that wasn’t the answer.

Have you ever been there? I’ve been finding myself there a few times lately, but I’m so glad I’m starting to become more aware of it so I can recognize it and divert to a different (non-food) method of dealing with it.

And I must admit. I’m not always 100% successful. But I’m getting there. And awareness and naming the emotions underlying those feelings is key.

Here’s a few tips next time you find yourself in the “comfort food” struggle, when you know you’re not actually hungry, it’s something deeper.

  1. Identify the triggering situation or circumstance at the root of the cause.
  2. Name the exact feelings underlying that desire to eat, when you know you’re not hungry, or you know food is not the solution.
  3. Journal your heart out. In times of great internal debate and unrest, one of the best things you can do is journal and pray. But journaling can be a form of prayer if you choose to write out what you’re feeling in a letter to God.
  4. List alternative non-food ways you can deal with the situation and why you’re having those feelings in the first place. (hint: exercise is a GREAT option.)
  5. Spend time in prayer giving those burdens, concerns, worries, uneasiness and anxieties (and anything else you need to) over to God. Share with him why you’re concerned and have been holding onto these feelings, and give them to God and ask for his help to solve the problem and/or to fill you wiht his peace that passes all understanding so you may liberate your mind from the things that are weighing you down.
  6. And lastly, write an action plan for how you will deal with the same scenario if/when it happens again and what non-food actions you will take to begin creating new default responses that don’t add to your waistline and guilt, disappointment or shame, and instead are healthier ways to deal with the stresses in life.

>>Final Thought: We know that food is not the answer when we’re eating to fill a different void that we don’t want to acknowledge. But the freedom from this detrimental pattern is in the acknowledgement. Next time you’re tempted to soothe your soul with sweets or salty treats when you KNOW you’re not hungry, work your way through these 6 steps and ultimately turn your situation over to God. He is waiting for you to lay it at his feet and give you relief.

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. I’ve found it supremely therapeutic and helpful when I’m working on my own health and weight goals to surround myself with other girlfriends doing the same, who can relate and not place blame or shame when they hear of my not-so-perfect choices sometimes. Being able to be candid, supportive, honest and vulnerable is so healing and therapeutic to keep the momentum and drive toward your goals alive.

Starting Aug. 1st is the next 30 day interval of my #vip30 challenge in my private VIP ladies group. Together we’re changing our lives, habits and dress sizes one day at a time. If you know you need to be with a supportive and driven environment to spur you on to your own weight loss goals, this is just the place to be. Learn more here and join us before Aug. 1st!


Gut-check! One of the most powerful statements I’ve heard recently…

Have you ever had one of those moments that you heard something that was so powerful it wouldn’t leave you?

That happened to me about a week ago.  A fellow entrepreneur and health coach shared with me one of her favorite statements that hit me at the core. She said,

“The authentic self has no need for excess weight.”


I felt like a light-bulb had flicked on in my head and an awakening happened inside my belly. I love constantly learning and growing. Realizing we don’t know it all, and we shouldn’t. The beauty in life, friendships and relationships is that we glean from other’s knowledge and experiences, if it we choose to be open to change.

And even though when my friend said this, it wasn’t directly meant for coaching or schooling me, it was just a comment in passing, but to me it was so powerful!

I’ve adapted it in my own way for what feels super meaningful to me:


And what I mean by extra baggage is still in reference to excess weight, but actually it can be meant for all areas of life. That when we are truly fulfilled, living our calling and serving and loving others, we don’t need fillers, distractions, idleness, mindless time-wasters.

>>Final Thought: When you’re living a truly fulfilled life, you have everything you need, and your body performs naturally at its highest level. It sheds extra weight and craves healthy fuel (i.e. food) and activity. To me that’s such a powerful mental shift. I hope it inspires you, as it did me. And not to make you feel like your life isn’t good or valuable, but to help you reflect on any areas that you may feel are not in congruence with the feeling of true fulfillment.

And if you find some, the next question is, are you brave enough to start making a change? To move forward to create the life that is fulfilling on a soul-level, in every area.
You’re worth it.

Have a beautiful day. 😉

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. As you reflect, if you feel that an area you’re struggling with is your body (i.e. aches and pain, poor sleep, back pain etc.) I invite you to explore my newest program–4 Weeks To A Stronger Core.

Here we’re diving deeper into understanding our body and the critical reasons for having a strong core. Your core supports every other bodily function, so it’s no joke. This isn’t a boot camp to get a “6-pack”, this is pairing down to the root of core strength, and building upon it properly.

If that interests you, we kick off this Wednesday, July 27th, so check it out here. 😉

How Tim Tebow and I became friends

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You are going to love this story. Have you ever known in your gut that something awesome was about to happen? Or thought of something cool and very soon after it actually came to pass? That is what this is all about.

I wish I could remember the exact moment I knew I would be friends with Tim Tebow, but it probably became very evident to me about a year ago.

I had loved watching Tim’s pro-football career and transition into sports casting and had been inspired for years by his life, authenticity, and out-spoken nature of being Sold Out for God.

Now, on a slight yet still relevant tangent, I should preface that one of my most favorite charities of all time is called Free Wheelchair Mission (FWM) and I fell in love with them during physical therapy school, as one of my professors was helping to develop the low-cost wheelchairs they produce to distribute to the disabled around the world in 3rd world countries.

A PERFECT fit for a beautiful cause that fit my passion and educational training, all rolled into one!

Well fast forward 8 and a half years and it turns out that Tim will be the featured speaker at the annual fundraiser for FWM next week in Orange County, CA! Just an hour and a half up the road from where I live in San Diego! So clearly I’ve bought my tickets and will be there!

So wouldn’t you know it-THIS is when and how it will take place: My becoming friends with Tim Tebow!

Now wait a second! You said in the title that you were ALREADY friends!?
Well, yes and no….I said how I became friends with Tim.

And how can I be so sure that we will actually become friends?
Aren’t I being a bit arrogant or conceited thinking I can predict the future?

Well what I’ve learned so far from my life experience is that I’ve tuned into my own intuition. The small voice and nudge in my head and my heart when something special is coming to pass. And what I’ve seen in more ways than not is that God brings to pass that which we believe in faith. And what I know even more so is the POWER we hold in our thoughts, feelings and words.

When God said he created us in his own image, and that when we become believers His power is INSIDE of us…well I truly believe that! And not only do I believe it, but I’ve experienced it and SEEN it time and time again–play out into reality.

So if you don’t think our thoughts, words, actions, intentions or faith really matter or that they actually hold the power the Bible says they do…well then you’re missing out on living an INCREDIBLE life!

>>Final Thought: I can’t wait to tell you how the real life events unfold of what I already know is happening next Thursday, July 28th.—As I begin the journey of becoming friends with Tim Tebow. 😉

Don’t be ashamed or timid to be bold in your faith, bold in your convictions and bold in knowing God is FOR you, not against you!

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. Wanna hear more about how this story unfolds? Link up with me online as I’ll be posting more about it and of course ON the night of the event next week–all happening in my private FB group. Join me now!

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